Project team


She ensures mutual communication of internal and external collaborators and other involved persons, coordinates all activities, administers financial flows.


As an expert guarantor of the project, he is in charge of the research-related communication. This involves communicating with the professional public, in particular, with scientists who use information technologies for data processing and analysis in their research and with lecturers who include elements of digital humanities in their teaching. He executes the research of users and information practices and presents and publishes the resulting findings through scientific communications channels.


Education and training specialist in longterm preservation. In the project, he is responsible for applying the principles of digital curation in the design and implementation of the infrastructure for digital platforms.


In the project, he focuses primarily on the IT fields: building the IT infrastructure and deploying systems for managing, storing, archiving and accessing data. As a member of staff of the Institute of Computer Science MU, he focuses, inter alia, on the topics of digital libraries and long-term preservation of digital content.


He deals with the methodology of data and metadata management, designs (meta)data models and structures, participates in the structural and functional definition of individual digital platforms.


She is involved in the technical implementation of the project. She graduated in Applied Informatics and Software Systems Development Management at FI MU.


He is involved in the technical implementation of the project. He graduated in Computer Systems, Communication and Security at FI MU.


She is involved in the curation and programming of selected platforms. She studied Information Studies and Library Science at FF MU and Programming and Application Development at FI MU.

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